When is there a “Good Time”

An article in The Orange County Register Commentary section took my eye on Sunday 13th November. It was regarding, when should you “terminate” the life of your beloved pet of say, ten to fifteen years.

The article by a Laguna Beach resident was stating in recent weeks she had encountered numerous animals obviously past their prime being taken for walks when the poor animals were either arthritic or just too old to be able to go more than ten steps.

“People are forcing their beloved pets to suffer through painful and agonizing last years for no good reason except their own selfish inability to confront their loss. That loss is coming eventually – indeed you bought it the day you opened your heart to the animal. By postponing it, people only force their pets to endure unnecessary pain and terror.”

OK, the animal cannot tell you their pain level and admittedly people should use common sense and let the animal rest during their final days, after all they’re 80-100 years old in human years, but who has the right to determine when they should be put down.

I wrestle with those questions every day with our two Old Newfoundlands, 11.5 years and 12.5 years but they have been good companions over the years and now they’re unstable and dragging their behinds, does this give me the right to end their lives. You could use the same scenerio for your grandmother or grandfather who are crippled and a burden on the family but to suggest euthanasia would cause public outrage.

My answer is to do as you would with family, make them comfortable and let them decide when it is time to go.

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