It has to be total insanity to live in Southern California and have to commute 48.25 miles to my place of work as stated by mapquest and to top it all, it suggests a 56 minute commute. Come on! Let’s get real and update this to suit the ridiculous amount of traffic that’s on the road. The fact is, when I leave work, be it 2pm or 7pm the commute is anywhere between two hours to three hours in length. You might say move closer to your place of work but why would I give up a beach side community that is within easy reach of most major attractions.
The bottom line is, the infrastructure is antiquated with no room for improvement, while more housing developments are springing up just to congest it even further. Considering that most households have two vehicles as a minimum, every thousand houses built, equates to a minimum of 2000 extra vehicles!
During my five and a half year tenure at my present company the commute has increased by half an hour on a good day, what will it be in another five years? No wonder that fellow commuters are eating cereal, shaving, applying make-up and reading reports just to get a jump on the commuting time. The trade off is the additional safety hazards that are imposed on other commuters due to lack of attention. Each fender bender, be it small or large, clogs the freeway adding hours to the commute.
The mental state especially after a gruelling three hour commute is to say the least, taxed. Little time is left to interact with the family before it’s time to sleep and rise at five for the next onslaught of red tail lights, aagh!!!